Essential Supplies for Building a Horse Shelter: A Comprehensive Guide

Constructing a horse shelter is essential for any horse owner or equestrian facility. In addition to careful planning and design considerations, having the right supplies for the horse shelter in San Bernardino, CA, is crucial to ensure its success and durability. In this article, read on and explore the essential supplies needed to build it, including clamp-on covers, trusses, roofing sheets, purlins, wall panels, shed rows, and so on.

Clamp-On Cover:

A clamp-on cover is an excellent addition as it provides additional protection against the elements. These covers are made of durable materials such as polyethylene and can be securely attached to the frame. Clamp-on covers offer shade during hot weather, reduce the risk of overheating, and provide protection from rain, snow, and wind. They are attainable in various sizes and can be easily installed and removed as needed.

Shelter Legs:

Sturdy shelter legs are essential for stability and longevity. These legs, typically made of galvanized steel or other durable materials, provide the necessary support for the frame. Ensure that the legs are of the appropriate height to create adequate clearance for the horses and allow for good ventilation. Properly anchored legs will ensure that the shelter remains secure, even during strong winds or inclement weather.


Trusses form the structural framework of the roof. They are designed to distribute the roof’s weight evenly, providing stability and support. Trusses can be made of steel or wood and come in various shapes and sizes. Choosing trusses that are strong enough to withstand the roofing material’s weight and any potential snow loads in your region is crucial. Consult with a structural engineer or an experienced builder to determine the appropriate truss design.

Roofing Sheets:

Roofing sheets are integral to protecting animals from rain, snow, and excessive sunlight. Corrugated metal sheets are popular for their durability, resistance to weather elements, and ease of installation. Alternatively, you can opt for fiberglass or polycarbonate sheets, which allow natural light to penetrate it while providing adequate protection. Ensure the roofing sheets are securely fastened to the trusses and overlap properly to prevent water leakage.


Purlins are horizontal beams that provide additional support to the roof and help distribute the weight evenly. These beams are typically attached to the trusses and serve as a foundation for securing the roofing sheets. Purlins should be made of sturdy materials, such as treated wood or galvanized steel, to withstand the load and maintain structural integrity.

Wall Panels:

Wall panels are essential, providing protection from wind, rain, and drafts. These panels can be made of materials, including wood, metal, or high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Choose materials that are durable, effortless to clean, and resistant to corrosion or rot. The panels should be securely fastened to the frame and overlap properly to ensure a tight seal and prevent any gaps that could compromise the shelter’s integrity.

Lean-to Shelter and Shed Row:

In addition to standalone shelters, both are popular options for providing additional space and versatility. A lean-to shelter is attached to an existing structure, such as a barn or building, offering a convenient extension for the horses to seek protection. Shed rows are a series of individual stalls connected under one roof, providing a practical and efficient solution for housing multiple horses. These options can be personalized or customized based on your specific needs and preferences.


Building a horse shelter in San Bernardino, CA, requires careful consideration of the essential supplies necessary for a safe, comfortable, and durable structure. Each supply plays a vital role in ensuring the horses ‘ well-being, from clamp-on covers and trusses to roofing sheets, purlins, wall panels, and shed rows. Remember to consult with professionals and adhere to local building codes and regulations to create one that meets your horses’ specific needs and provides them with a secure and comfortable environment.

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